Blog #I

Hi Lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I want to give you guys a little look into my life as a poet and author.

This month, I released my first book “HeartAche.”

This is a poetry book about both love and hopelessness, It’s divided in two parts.

Part I is called “Lovesick” this portion reflects both the love I've witnessed and experienced. Love comes in many different forms. No love is the same. It’s easy to love someone when they allow it, when it’s given. But when it's taken all that’s left is hopelessness.

Part II is called “Hopeless” this half represents the feelings invoked when you lose the love you found.

I would like to share the journey I embarked on while creating this piece of art.

My writing journey started in California, I was an Active Duty Marine. To be in that career field takes a toll, to put your own personal needs aside for the greater good is both rewarding and demeaning. Something to take with a grain of salt. Once I completed my military career I grew very depressed. I felt as if I had no purpose, living a meaningless life. I needed an outlet to convey my thoughts.

I’ve always had an ability to put my emotions on paper, free with my words. So I started writing, and writing and WRITING. I felt purpose bleeding back into my life. So that became the sun in the storm that abruptly took over life. I wrote most of the “Hopeless” portion during this time period. To embrace and wholly divulge into the feelings of despair took a part of me and rectified it. The first time I was true to myself to the words written. After leaving California I moved back to my hometown in Texas. Moving back was interesting, returning to where you’re from but having not recognize the change your demographic instilled, it was at the time I feared change. The thing about the shift in life, it doesn’t wait for you to be ready but it’s always ready for you. It’s inevitable. I’ve always been able to adapt to my surrounds to others, so I stopped fighting this turning point in my life and welcomed it with open arms. During this process I acquainted myself with love. I’ve always been a social individual so making friends and meeting others always came easy. Some would come some would go, but the ones that stayed truly showed me what being loved could potentially feel like. It was the first time I surrounded myself with people who saw me for who I really was, accepting my flaws because they’re apart of who I am. This love being relinquished I needed to memorize it, remember it. And that’s how the first portion “Lovesick” became a reality.

One thing I will always take away from this experience is to not doubt the words felt. Words have meaning and they deserve to be shared.


Blog # II