Blog # II
Hey Lovelies,
This past week has been overwhelming with love and gratitude.
The support I’ve received from so many of you fills me with gratitude. The love and energy at my past events have been beyond words. My release night was pure perfection—the venue, the people, the atmosphere. Not a dull moment in sight. A huge thank you to CommonSpace; I’ve never felt more comfortable sharing my poetry aloud.
For a long time, I hesitated to share my work, fearing society’s judgment. But in these past few days, I’ve realized something maybe my words aren’t meant for everyone. Maybe they’re meant for just one person. Me. When I read my poetry, I remind myself of that. Fear fades when purpose takes its place—the purpose of healing, of allowing myself to fully express. I’m grateful to share that gift, both with my own soul and with those who find solace in words they’ve been searching for.
Alongside my release night, I had my final book reading of the month at MoonBeans Coffee. The atmosphere felt like a warm fireplace on a winter night. Attendance was open to the public and café guests, and seeing new faces always warms my heart.
I also had the pleasure of being interviewed by Graphic Disorder Times. Eli’s photography captured the moment beautifully, and Pricila’s thoughtful questions brought depth to our conversation. Together, they created something truly meaningful.
This past week has given me more than I could have imagined, and I can’t wait to see what the next one brings.
& choose love always.